Dubai Expat Guides

Are you thinking of relocating to Dubai? Then get hold of this really great digital guide to give you all the up-to-date info about Dubai. There are so many rules and regulations that you need to know before you get here.. Click Here for More Info

Are you looking for a job in Dubai? Have you been looking through the normal channels and not got anywhere? This ebook will tell you why and give you the lowdown on how to get the job you want in Dubai Click Here for More Info

Monday, September 14, 2009

Dubai Metro

So they Dubai Metro was launched with a loud fanfare on 09/09/09 at 9.09pm (or pretty close to it!). So many people have tried to get on the metro since it was launched (110,000 in the first 3 days) and this has caused all sorts of problems as they had not anticipated such a response. There were bound to be some teething problems at the start and I guess it will take them a few weeks or months to sort out, but it has the potential to be a really useful and effective means of transport for the Emirate.

To get all the information you need about ticket prices, nol cards, feeder bus routes and timetables, and Dubai Metro by-laws as well as having a discussion forum, then go to my website at

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